Matthew Lymer - Profile Picture

Matthew Lymer

Web Designer & Developer

33 years old

King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK

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Hi. I'm Matthew Lymer, a Web Designer/Developer, Graphic Designer, Animator & Editor.

I have over 14 years of experience managing, building and designing websites (as well as a whole bunch of other technical and creative stuff).
Read my full skillset here
I specialise in offering Norfolk Web Design and King's Lynn Web Design - but I can remotely provide any digital service globally.
As well as working (pretty) hard, I have a bunch of hobbies to keep me busy during my down-time:


Building PCs Tinkering with Raspberry Pis

Building PCs

One of my greatest passions is building, upgrading and setting up PCs and generally managing IT hardware and networks.

Tinkering with Raspberry Pis

Not the delicious kind of pie, but Raspebrry Pis. These are amazing micro-PCs which can be configured to do almost anything, from setting up a local media server, to powering a popup kiosk or controlling a home security camera.


Movies Retro Video Games Board Games


I'm a huge film fan, from old-school comedies and critically acclaimed classics, to Disney, Sci-fi and Superheroes - I pretty much love it all!

Retro Video Games

They just don't make video games like they used to! Pac-man, Space Invaders, Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog - all so nostalgic!

Board Games

Nothing beats the feeling of gaming with real dice and cards - whether it's a quick game of Poker or an epic 4-hour Risk campaign!


Pottery and Sculpting Wildlife Photography Sketching

Pottery and Sculpting

Whilst my pottery skills are novice at best, it's been a love of mine to sculpt clay 3d models for years.

Wildlife Photography

I'm a keen photographer, and I especially love photographing animals and also capturing slow-mo video and low light compositions.


I find the best way to grow your creative skills is to sketch - sketching out ideas, graphics, characters, landscapes; anything that comes to mind.


Chess Table Tennis


Ok, I know you might disagree, but I definitely consider chess to be a sport. It's the most strategic sport I know.

Table Tennis

Honestly I'm not the sportiest of people - but I'll never say not to a fast-paced super competitive game of Table Tennis - it's fun, and it's a sport I don't suck at!